Online Book Clubs

DearReader Online Book Clubs

A daily dose of books, cookies and surprises

Remember the feeling when you couldn't stop reading a book?
Now your patrons can experience those same feelings every day,
and they'll tell you about it.

In addition to thanking my local librarian (which I did last night), I also want to tell you how much I'm enjoying the book clubs. You speak to your members as individuals, rather than as a faceless mass, and I think this may be why I'm so charmed. —Jani

I wanted to thank for your teen book club. When my daughter was 13, she complained that books geared to teens were all either about major crises, being a new kid, or something with vampires or aliens. I got her logged onto to your teen book club and 2 1/2 years later, she's still enjoying it. She's also been a teen writer three times for the book clubs and has had a ball. It's been a safe way for her to hear from kids as far away as Australia and England. (We live in Southern California). —Sara

It's good to know that my library offers this online book club. I'm happy to see that even if I can't visit the library often as I like, I still have the opportunity to read the books I love. Thanks so much for offering the book clubs. —Maria W.

I don't want to sound 'weird', but your daily emails have enriched my life. Before the online book clubs I would wolf down my food during my lunch hour. I now take a real lunch hour and read the daily selection. I look forward to my book break every day! —Abigail L.

I'm just writing to let you know how much I enjoy the online book club. You've become part of my morning routine. It is so nice to take a coffee break and sit down with a friend to read. Thank you for bringing those peaceful moments back into my life. —Carol

Thanks for making me want to read again. At one time I was an avid reader, but twenty plus years in the military, two jobs and children took up all my time, I forgot about reading. I look forward each week for a new novel, and then I go to the library so I can finish the book. —Ernest

(Teenage Boy) A lot of my friends think I'm weird because I read so much. Ever since I started to be a book freak, I have gotten better grades. I try to tell my friends that reading helps, but they don't listen. Anyway my point is that maybe you should tell schools about this online book club. I mean we (children) are always online. I told my school librarian about this club. She is distraught by the fact that no one checks out books anymore.

(Children's Librarian) Here's a gift you helped give a young patron of mine. This young man is a very good reader, but a little picky. I managed to find a few books he thought he'd try, but nothing grabbed his interest, until I remembered a book from the Teen Book Club - The Devil's Breath. I told him about it, and found it on our shelf, and he was thrilled! I would have never known about that book, but for the club. So, thank you! Beth P.


12 book clubs to choose from.12 book clubs for your patrons

Your patrons can sign up for one, or several book clubs, depending on what they like to read. Immediately, they'll receive a welcome message from your library thanking them for joining. And the next morning, they'll start receiving their daily "dose of book." On Monday we start new books in the clubs. Each day they receive a little more of the featured book. By the end of the week, they've sampled 2-3 chapters, enough to know if they "just-have-to" finish the book.

Branded and customized for your library

All of the book club pages and the daily emails are branded for your library. You can customize them by adding your own content. Our staff does all the work, but you get all the credit.

Marketing widgets

We've designed an entire website with ideas you can use to promote your book clubs: press releases, signs, bookmarks, posters, and a widget maker that lets you create rotating carousels and sliders you can insert into your web pages. The widgets update automatically each week.

Add your own content

The cost of postage may go up, but it won't cost you anything to communicate every day with your book club readers. Add a list of events, introduce a new staff member, or promote other services and increase traffic to your web site. The cost to you — zero. The increased attendance at your next library event — priceless.Boy with an an open for hair.

Teen writers

In our teen book club, the daily email is introduced by aspiring teen writers. They write about the book and what's happening in their daily lives.

Lively discussion groups

Your readers can click on links in their daily emails and join in lively discussions with readers across America. Authors will often join the discussion and readers love it when they do. The forums are moderated by our staff, so once again, there's no extra work for your staff.

AuthorBuzz and KidsBuzz

An exclusive weekly service featuring 4-5 authors, up close and personal, with interviews and pictures. Authors offer free signed copies of their books and dozens of other free giveaways every week.

Read the Penguin Classics

A service that features a classic book every other month. Readers sample several chapters and can enter-to-win over prizes each month, including books and Penguin Classics book bags.

No assembly necessary

Place the book club logo on your website and you're ready to go. We take care of everything else, from publisher permissions, preparing the daily emails, updating book jackets and moderating discussions.
Our content is socially connected.