New Book Alerts

New Book Alerts

Automated new arrival detection and delivery

New Book Alerts is the easiest way for patrons to be able to see what’s new at the library. Unlike the card catalog, New Book Alerts keeps track of your new books, videos and music, and makes them available to your patrons in a variety of formats. Content is constantly updated, it's divided into 47 categories, and it excludes replacement books or media reorders, or multiple copies of a title.
One of the New Book Alerts landing page designs.

Over 65,000 unique visitors per month

New Book Alerts will increase your web traffic. We currently get over 65,000 unique visitors a month, resulting in over 400,000 page views, and the average time spent on the service is over 3 minutes per visitor!

New Arrival Notification

Patrons can choose how they would like to receive the service. They can receive it through RSS feeds, or customized emails that are designed specifically to work with all email programs and mobile devices. A Facebook version of New Book Alerts is also available.
Real time stats for New Book Alerts.

Real-time Stats

All of our services include real-time statistics, and daily-weekly-monthly statistics. We supply your library with widgets and logos to advertise the service on your website, or on social networking platforms to help increase the number of visits.

Custom Pages

All the new titles are featured in custom web pages that allow patrons to read reviews, author bios, annotations, and first chapters. They can even write their own reviews. Titles are linked directly to the records in the catalog.
  • Weekly updates of your new books, movies, music and other new arrivals
  • The weekly updates are available on the web, via email, or on mobile phones
  • Only new listings, no replacement books
  • Presenting ALL of your new arrivals, including items checked out, or on hold
  • Direct links to your catalog
  • Book jacket images, author information, and book descriptions
  • Sorted into 47 categories
  • New Book Alerts book detail page.
  • No staff time or training required
  • No software installation required
  • Results for all of your branches
  • Economically priced
  • Real-time stats
  • Self-updating content for widgets


“I wanted to let you know that since the New Book Alerts icon and link was loaded on our library web site, we have seen an increase in the number of holds coming in both electronically, as well as in person. New books often have holds on them before they arrive in the library.” — Laura Einstadter, County Librarian, Amador County Library

Our content is socially connected.